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Department of Molecular Life Sciences Basler Group

Monika Hediger Niessen

Monika Hediger Niessen

Research Associate

Dr. Monika Hediger Niessen

Office Y11-J-18

Tel +41 44 635 31 17



Monika studied Biology at the University of Zurich and graduated in 1991. She did her PhD in the group of Prof. Andreas Dübendorfer on sex determination in house flies. Already during her thesis she became interested in teaching and was engaged as teaching assistant in several courses. In 2006 she joined the group of Prof. Konrad Basler as senior research assistant, lecturer and organizer of the practical courses in the Module Bio111/117 “Classical and Molecular Genetics”. In 2020 she completed the CAS in University Didactics (Hochschuldidaktik).


Curriculum vitae
2017 - 2020 CAS Hochschuldidaktik, University of Zurich
Since January 2006 Senior Research Assistant and Lecturer, Dept. of Molecular Life Sciences (DMLS), Group of Prof. Konrad Basler, University of Zürich
2004 - 2005 Oberassistentin in the Dept. of Evolutionary Genetics, Institute of Zoology, University of Zürich
1998 - 2003 Research fellow (Postdoc) in the Dept. of Evolutionary Genetics, University of Zürich with Prof. Andreas Dübendorfer, Prof. Dr. Rolf Nöthiger and Dr. Daniel Bopp
1992 - 1998

Ph.D. studies in Evolutionary Genetics, Dept. of Evolutionary Genetics, University of Zürich
Thesis title: “Sex and chromosomes in the housefly“.
Advisors: Prof. Dr. Andreas Dübendorfer and Prof. Dr. Rolf Nöthiger

1990 - 1991

Master studies in Cytology, Zoological Institute, University of Zurich
Thesis title: “Männliche Fertilität bei Drosophila subobscura in Abhängigkeit von verschiedenen Strukturtypenkombinationen“.
Advisor: PD Dr. Elisabeth Jungen-Hauschteck.

1986 - 1990 Studies in Biology at the University of Zürich
Teaching experiences at UZH
Since 2006: Lecturer in the Module BIO111/117 «Molecular and Classical Genetics», MNF, University of Zurich
2006: Lecturer, Mantelstudium Biomedizinische Wissenschaften III (MAS4170), MEF, University of Zürich
2005 - 2008 Lecturer „Spezialvorlesung: „Mechanisms of sex determination“ (BIO346)
1996 - 2005 Teaching Assistant in Modul BIO323 «Modern Genetics and Genomics», Insitute of Zoology, University of Zurich
1992 - 2005 Teaching Assistant and Co-Organizer in Genetic courses (Biologie II), Insitute of Zoology, University of Zurich
1991 - 1996 Teaching Assistant in Cytology courses, Insitute of Zoology, University of Zurich